- “I’m not a postpartum specialist. Why should I worry about clients with Diastasis Recti?”
- “How come I’ve never had a client with Diastasis Recti?”
- “I just wait for the doctor’s note, They will tell their patients what to do.”
- “I can’t do anything anyway, right?”
Trainer or fitness professional, we need to talk.
This IS your business, and your role is what’s best for your client.
Take a look at the graphic above. These are GROSS underestimates of the Diastasis Recti and core issue, because they are highly under-reported, under-diagnosed, and under-treated. In western medicine, Diastasis Recti is not part of any check up ever, including and particular to the postpartum check-up, and as you can see, chances of her having Diastasis Recti post pregnancy are very high.
A client may get answers if she asks. Many times, it takes persistence and more than one office visit.
Even so, western physicians often do not offer solutions.
We are working to change that and be a referral partner, but many physicians are not open to it or default to their own specialty rather than considering referrals.
This is changing and I have met several western medicine doctors who see the problem and want to be part of the solution.
YOU can help by being an advocate. Tell your client to be an advocate for herself, too, and to continue to seek solutions.
YOU can be one of the solutions.
As you can see, Diastasis Recti is also not just for new moms. Moms can continue to struggle with Diastasis Recti for months or YEARS (sometimes they find me when they are grandmothers), and many have never gotten help or a solution. Many have been told that they are “just fat” or “just weak.”
Can you see how this type of dismissal can lead women (and men) down the wrong path?
Men are struggling, too, and not getting much help if any. Many of them will try “hard core” workouts, become distressed, and find me after doing further damage to the situation.
So, if you’re wondering why you’re not seeing Diastasis Recti in your clients or participants, you’re simply not attuned to some of the signs.
- protruding abdomen
- complaint of “weak” core
- back pain
- digestive / continence issues
- the obvious space in the rectus abominis wall.
If you’ll take the time, you’ll probably find, as I did when I decided to check every client, that the degree and level of injury is widespread and deserves our attention.
I recommend not waiting for an official diagnosis, because anything official is rare. Empower the client to perform a self examination and journal for you what she feels in her abdominal walls.
Importantly, don’t give up on this client. You will need to do things differently, such as modify workouts and use a specific protocol like The ABC Method to help her. You will need information. You will need a referral list (physical therapists, chiropractors, and holistic doctors are good to have as partners).
If you agree to become a learner by her side and help her through this, imagine the long term effects that has on her life and on you as an ever-evolving professional.
The ABC Method can help, and you can learn this method directly with me. Our clients deserve better answers. That’s up to us.