The ABC Method Differs From a Postpartum Specialty

You have heard about being a pre and postpartum fitness or wellness expert or specialist, right? And you’re wondering…

Is The ABC Method any Different?

The ABC Method is great for helping prenatal and postpartum women, but it is not a certificate in overall pregnancy and postnatal health. It is specific to core stability and Diastasis Recti.

This is in fact an in person, personalized, up close look at how we, in the fitness industry, can serve any person with Diastasis Recti and core dysfunction, and how to integrate these ideas into the methods we already use in fitness.


  • women who have ever been pregnant
  • people with a core injury
  • people who have back or core pain
  • people who have hurt themselves training
  • men with AAA
  • people who have gained significant weight in the core area

So, instead of specializing just in the fourth trimester, we can serve in all of these capacities.

We want to take the methods of The ABC Method and specify it to who you serve and how, which is why we are meeting in person and working closely together. That is also the purpose in ongoing meetups and support. All included with the cost of the certificate program.

This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for trainers, teachers, instructors, coaches, and even people who are interested in the topic. You can be part of the solution.

See more and register for our next training at


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