Seasons… I started adding content to help women as a new mother. It’s amazing how time has passed and now I am a college mom.
It’s not always easy. Being a new mom was hard. Going through varying degrees of growth and loss was hard. Injuries and surgeries were hard.
And now being peri menopausal with a college student CAN be hard at times. So I just do my best. Try to not get off track, though I get lost sometimes. My consistent practices of movement and highly nutritious foods I think has helped immensely, and glad I don’t let myself stop moving and eating quality foods.
I just wanted to pop in to say that it’s not easy. If it were, everyone would be in perfect health. But when you feel good, everything else is better too.
Do what you can today based on your season today. If nothing else, get your body moving and eat something that your body will thank you for (current obsession: organic turmeric ginger tea ICED).
And I’m looking for new ways to help you, so post or send me your burning questions regarding any season.