What is The ABC Method?

What is The ABC Method?

The method I have been developing for over a decade has grown with me.

What started as a method for my personal recovery became something I started teaching others. And, just like all good lessons, it developed over time into something bigger than me.

I love The ABC Method because it is something to infuse into everyday life, and for every kind of fitness. There are no boundaries to what you can learn and teach using the principles of the method, though sometimes, you do have to stop and ask “am I going through the motions, or really adhering to the method?”

It’s incredibly valuable to teach fitness through this lens, as every lesson and every movement can fit into the paradigm. You can forever ask yourself and your client “does this align with your ABC’s?” and if it doesn’t, you can always find a way to come back to the method and work the same muscle group or performance metric.

I invite you to check it out, to ask questions, and to be a piece of the puzzle for others. I love my instructors because they will come back with case studies and questions, which helps all of us grow.

Learn how to teach The ABC Method HERE.

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